Academic Requirements
Students choose from one of three Sciences Po campuses for their first two years: Reims, Menton, or Le Havre. The three campuses share a common curriculum exploring a broad range of disciplines in the social sciences and humanities.
All courses are taught in English and no prior study of French is required. Students will be required to take French language courses at Sciences Po as part of the program. If students have already achieved proficiency in French language (B2 level or higher), they may take another foreign language during their time at Sciences Po.
Roughly one-third of each campus's student body comes from the region of focus, with international and French students comprising the other two-thirds. The regional campuses are small and intimate, ensuring favorable class sizes and a strong sense of campus community.
Regardless of campus, all students will enroll in:
- Core courses in the social sciences: Political Science, Economics, History, Sociology, and Law
- Electives in the humanities: choosing among Philosophy, Art History, and Literary Studies
- Language courses that correspond to the campus's linguistic and cultural orientation
- Core math and statistics
Between year one and year two, students will complete a summer internship in Europe or their home country (defined by tax residency) as part of the Civic Learning Program. This is followed by another internship during their second academic year in the city of their Sciences Po campus.
In a student’s second year they will choose one multidisciplinary major:
- Politics and Government (a mix of Political Science and Law)
- Economy and Society (a mix of Economics and Sociology)
- Political Humanities (a mix of History, Politics, and Philosophy)
In addition to required courses in the major, students will be able to choose social science electives in other fields that are available, as well as choose a minor.